Sunday Serenity

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I looked up serenity to make sure that it would properly fit the bill for my aim of posting on Sundays.  “calmness, tranquility, peace.”  That sounds about right.  For us, Sunday is The Lord’s Day, a Sabbath for rest and worship.  We spend our days normally going to church, having fellowship with others, and resting, usually closing the day back at church.  So on The Lord’s Day, if I post at all, it will be as an aside to what I’m doing that day – something gleaned from the sermon, or from our fellowship, or from my rest time in the Lord at home.

Today is a bit unusual since my husband and I will be driving back from Huddersfield all day – so I will just reflect in the car on the way and tonight will post my deep thoughts from a full day on the highway….a day spent thinking and talking with my husband in a car by ourselves for 3-4 hours is always a nice gift, and it usually produces copious amounts of food for thought 🙂

Well, we have arrived in London safely with all the children and our friend Meriwether.  Not too much to report on the journey from the Huddersfield hotel to our home, but we had a bit of excitement getting to the London flat.  We had a one hour turnaround time at home while I finished packing and baby finished napping.  Then we drove a little more than an hour to a tube station outside of London so we could take the London Underground in to the flat that we are borrowing from our friend.  When we arrived at the train, we went the wrong direction on it first and then had to get off at the next stop and cross over the tracks going up stairs and then back down to get on the correct train – which pulled in to the station just after we disembarked our first train. We raced up and over, my husband carrying the stroller with the baby in it (and random things hanging off it, and his backpack on), Meriwether dragging her small wheeled bag and Claire along, and me running ahead of the other 3 with two bags to make sure they didn’t get to the train first.  I made it just as the doors were closing and was able to hold the doors for everyone else, and we were on our way.

We rode the train a ways and then got off at Baker Street (home of Sherlock Holmes?) to switch to another line – and that train arrived just as we were walking up to it, so that was nice 🙂  Just a few stops on that, and then we had to navigate over to the flat a few blocks away, open the lock-box, and viola!  Perfect place with a kitchen, living room, and bedroom, and lots of random places to sleep 🙂  We rested up a bit and then walked down to a nearby Spanish restaurant where we had paella and sangria, my two favorite Spanish exports 🙂


Yes, we almost licked the paella pan clean 🙂  Tomorrow we are off to tour the city with the children, and then Meriwether and I will split off to go to a few famous stores and more.  Trip report to follow on Tuesday 🙂 And tomorrow night I’ll tell you about the concert we went to last night and the show Meriwether and I are going to tomorrow night!! Lots of musical memories being made about which to blog…

For now I will leave you with a few thoughts from Proverbs:

Proverbs 3:4,5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”

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